You Know You're Married to a Student Doctor When...

…you open up your sewing box and find sutures

…you can’t watch a medical show without hearing complaints about everything they are doing wrong

…you can’t be in the bathroom when he/she is washing their hands without getting sprayed by the “doctor shake” when they are done

…you tell him/her that they are getting on your last nerve and they draw an accurate picture of a nerve with a little stick person on it

…you find yourself constantly washing scrubs and white coats

…your house is littered with office supplies bearing the names of various pharmaceuticals

…you can’t complain of a scratchy throat without having a tongue depressor shoved in your mouth and your spouse looking at you from behind a tiny light


  1. You Know Your Son-in-Law is a Medical Student when:

    He has his white coat ceremony and it doesn't have straps and buckles in the back like mine did.

    Your daughter refers to the "doctor's shake" and it has something to do with washing your hands.

    They both stay up all night reading a Harry Potter book. How geeky is that. And do you want this to be the guy who going to to probe around in your brain.

    And in regards to the posted picture of my future grandchild -- I didn't see jack. And the name I've settled on to be called is "Mr. Robinson."

  2. I was here first with my comment and could not send it so your dad had to come to the rescue.

    Anyway, aren't computers and e-mail great! I love your site and all of your witty comments. Please send more.

    Your dad and I are so proud of both of you and especially for Ben getting into the Air Force! You are going to be a great doctor and we can't wait for you to diagnose our ailments.

    Can't wait to come and see ya'll again. It is beautiful there and I loved the town of Cumberland Gap. Hopefully, we will be able to come and visit soon. Pray for your dad to hear good news tomorrow about an interview with a company that he has applied with.

    Regardless of what your dad said about our little baby Geeslin's picture, I thought the baby was adorable. I know the next picture will be much better but I still loved seeing the baby's heartbeat. Mandy is beginning to feel a little sick but is still feeling good. My name I have decided that little Anna Kate or ? will be "Gram". I could never be MawMaw - she was a one of a kind grandmother.

    Love the website, it makes us feel closer so thank you!

    We miss you terribly and can't wait to see you again.



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