Happy 28th Birthday Ben!

Well, my poor Ben has not had the best birthday. He should be in Las Vegas right now, but last night he woke up violently ill and can still barely get out of bed. He had to miss a test today and I changed his flight so he will fly out with me on Saturday. Hopefully I won't get sick too! Birthdays are kind of a big deal around here, so I was disappointed I didn't get to follow through on my plans this morning, maybe I'll recreate the birthday moment when he's feeling better. Anyway, happy birthday to my sweet husband! It's the ninth birthday we've celebrated together and each year is better than the last. I love you very much. And of course a happy birthday to Ben's twin (or very slightly older) sister Lauren! Hope your day was better than your brother's!


  1. Happy Birthday Ben! Hope you feel better and have fun in Las Vegas!


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