Gene Pool Part Two

Y'all were right! That's my mother! Pretty similar...except for the noses.

Post Edit: Y'all know how I feel about my nose, right? {sigh} I give frequent pep talks to Ben's nose genes so they will overtake mine and our children will end up with nice noses. I'm not optimistic though, thus far no genes have proven powerful enough to overcome the Robinson nose.

Post Post Edit: My favorite comment was from my mother's cousin Bambi, who mentioned how mama used to separate her eyelashes one at a time with a straight pen. Several people have told me about this before, so I thought that was hilarious!

One more thing...this was mom's drill team uniform, so don't judge her choice of wardrobe too harshly! And the picture of me was taken before mother had convinced me to start wearing "eyebrows". She used to tell me, "Angela, put some eyebrows on, you look ridiculous!" I now color my eyebrows in every morning and turns out they arch up, just like hers. She tells me that's what they're supposed to do because it makes you look younger, but it drives me crazy.


  1. You are really too hard on yourself sweetness! I think you have a beautiful nose.


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